"The Claims Coach" Podcast with Kevin Quinley
This podcast from insurance claim expert Kevin Quinley delivers tips, tools and techniques to help great claim and risk professionals get even better at managing •their claims, •their time, •their resources and •their careers.
64 episodes
"The Art of Adjusting: The Unwritten Rules of Claims Handling"
In this episode, Kevin Quinley offers his unvarnished views on the recently published book by claim expert Chantal Roberts CPCU and explains why this resource should be a part of any claim professional's bookshelf.To order your copy ...

The Perils (and Rewards) of Incident Reporting to Insurers
If Hamlet was a risk manager, Shakespeare would have him ask, "To report or not to report -- that is the question."In the context of incident reporting to insurance companies, that is the risk management conundrum this e...

Donna Popow CPCU on a Claims Career and THE Key Quality for Adjuster Success
For years, Donna Popow headed Knowledge Resources for Claims at the Insurance Institute of America, and served as its Ethics Counsel.In this episode of The Claims Coach, Donna reflects on a claims career that spans six decades....

Ten Pet Peeves of Claim Professionals ... and How to Address Them
A (modulated) rant about what drives adjusters and other claim professionals crazy.What pet peeves do you have to add to this list?(Just remember – – consumers, clients and attorneys can doubtlessly have their own rants about ad...

Ten-Minute Tip: Stress Management for Claim Pro's
By its very nature, handling or managing claims is extremely stressful.Covid has heightened the stress levels on claim professionals for multiple reasons.Self-care for adjusters and other claim professionals requires attention t...
Five-Minute Focus: What's Eating Adjusters or, What's Your Fuel?
Self-care for claim professionals includes fueling the body with the right nutrients to foster health and optimal performance on the job.GIGO is an acronym signifying, "Garbage In - Garbage Out."Without diving deep into the arca...

5-Minute Focus: Adjuster Self-Care -- Get Moving!
As a claim professional, your greatest ability is . . . your AVAILability!Availability is the opposite of LIABILITY.This short podcast discusses the importance of exercise, movement and fitness in cementing a platform of self-ca...

5-Minute Focus: Adjuster Self-Care: Wake Up to the Need for Sleep!
Are you getting enough rest, sleep and downtime?This episode of The Claims Coach argues that claim professionals are the cognitive athletes of the insurance world.Investigating, evaluating and negotiating requires brain...

5-Minute Focus The Ignored Risk: Self-Care for Claim Professionals
In this brief episode kicking off 2021, Kevin Quinley discusses the importance of self-care for claim professionals and why it is the foundation for any productivity and performance system. Adjuster self-care is an often ignored topic ...

Make Sure to Involve This Constituent in Your Covid-19 Coverage Investigation!
In this installment #4 four of a series focusing on building a reasonable Covid-19coverage claim investigation, Kevin discusses the vital role of insurance intermediaries in the claim communication process. He gives three reasons w...

Covid Coverage Investigation Tip #3: Sweat the Details -- Get Familiar with Local Claim Regs!
What one step, if left neglected, may deeply expose an insurance company and its adjuster to a bad-faith claim of deficient investigation? This episode discusses that step in what adjusters can do to bulletproof their claim files f...

How to Define a "Reasonable Investigation" of Covid-19 Coverage Claims?
In this episode, Kevin sets the stage for future brief podcasts addressing specific practice tips that adjusters can use to build a framework for reasonable coverage investigations of Covid-coded 19 claims. This investment of time ...

Exploding the Myth: "Adjuster Bonuses are a Dangerous Bad Faith Practice"
Believe it or not, many members of the bad-faith bar and the claim experts that they retain vehemently argue that adjusters should be exempt from receiving bonuses, because such bonuses service financial incentives to underpay claims. In deposi...

Encore: Staying in Touch with Clients During the Yuletide ... and Other Occasions!
The pending holidays provide a perfect opportunity to reach out and connect and reconnect with your clients and sources of business. This is particularly true for independent adjusters but also for claim professionals who work with commercial a...

10 Risk Management Tactics for Preventing Institutional Bad Faith Claims
In this episode, Kevin concludes this four-part series by focusing on specific risk management tactics that can prevent institutional bad-faith claims or render them more defensible if and when they surface. As in any endeavor, an ...

Bob Underdown AIC, ARM, AINS on Insurance Archaeology and the Perils of Claim Specialization
Bob Underdown is an insurance consultant and expert witness based in Scottsdale Arizona and who has a nationwide practice for a large array of clients. In this episode of the claims coach, Bob provides a wide ranging perspective on a lengthy ca...

7 Claim Management Practices That Can Spawn Institutional Bad Faith Claims (5 through 7)
Last week we discussed four claims management practices that are not inherently bad, but can serve as a magnet for institutional bad-faith claims. This week, we round out the discussion by examining three more common management pra...

7 Claims Management Practices Inviting Institutional Bad Faith Claims (Part One)
This second installment focused on institutional bad-faith begins a discussion of "7 Deadly Sins" in the form of claims management practices that can invite allegations of institutional bad-faith. This episode addresses the first four; the rema...

"Avoiding Institutional Bad Faith Claims: Part 1"
"A fish rots from the head down," according to an ancient proverb. In this first installment of a multi-part podcast, Kevin discusses and defines "institutional bad faith" in the context of insurance claims, discusses the significant cost...

"Risk Managers and Adjusters -- Are You Prepared for Global Warming Claims?"
It’s becoming increasingly difficult to pretend that global warming is a myth. Weather and climate trends reflect a heating of the atmosphere, accelerated melting of ice caps, projections of rising sea levels and imperiled coastal properties. E...

How Can we Harness Virtual Reality as a Claim Training Tool?
Virtual reality is more than just on the horizon. Its increasing adoption and reduced cost creates opportunities to harness this new technology as an insurance and claims training tool. In this episode of the Claims Coach, we look at three exam...